# File mess-libremail.en # Author Bernard Chardonneau # # This file contains the texts of the messages in English language # that the various tools of Libremail send to the users. # # Its presence is obligatory. It must be established in the same # directory as the achievable commands of Libremail, if not, # those will not be able to work correctly. # # Although it is not compiled, this file must be considered as a # source file of Libremail. # Any inappropriate modifications of its contents will be able # to disturb the operation of one or more Libremail tools. # # This file is written in a language which does not use accentuated # characters. So, it can be used whith every charset (ISO-8859-n # UTF-8 or another). # If you translate it in another language which uses european alphabet # with some accentuated characters, the best will be to use ISO-8859-1 # charset to write it. So, the file will also work correctly with an # UTF-8 charset display. # If you need to write a file using UTF-8 charset, it's name will have # to be followed of -utf suffix, and then, the file will not be detected # if you use Libremail with a ISO-8859-n charset display. # # Users's rights specified for the source files of Libremail apply # to this data file. MNEMO_ABSENT "Mnemonic %s missing in the file mess-libremail.en" QUALIF_LIBREMAIL "multilingual free software" FICJOINT "-> Attached file : " ENVOI_MAIL "\rSending of the mail n° %d" ANALYSE_MAIL "\rAnalyze of the mail n° %d" ANALYSE_MAIL_BL "\rAnalyze of the mail n° %d " TELECH_MAIL "\rDownloading of the mail n° %d" TEST_EXPED "\rControl shipper of the message: %d" COPIE_MAIL "\rCopy of mail number %d " DEPL_MAIL "\rMoving the mail number %d" ERREUR_SERVEUR "\rServer error for the access to the email %d" ACCEPT_DEST_BCC "Do you want to put some recipients in hidden copy? " ACCEPT_DEST_CC "Do you want to put some recipients in copy? " ACCES_FICHIER "Access problem of to the file %s" ACCES_FICH_LECT "File %s is read protected" ACCES_FICHMAIL_ECR "Mail file is write protected" ACCES_FICH_RW "File %s is read or write protected" ACCES_MAILJOINT "Access right problem, cannot get attached mail\n" AFF_CHEMFICH "\nFile : %s/%s\n\n" AFFICH_TEXTE "Return to text mode display" AFF_NOM_FICMAIL "Mail file %s\n" AFF_NUMAIL "Message %d\n" AIDE_CHOIX_ADR-1 "Usable keys :\n" AIDE_CHOIX_ADR-2 "arrows Pageup, Pagedown, Home and End" AIDE_CHOIX_ADR-3 "to move one or more lines" AIDE_CHOIX_ADR-4 "Inser to add the current recipient" AIDE_CHOIX_ADR-5 "Suppr to unselect him" AIDE_CHOIX_ADR-6 "Spaces or Return to select/unselect" AIDE_CHOIX_ADR-7 "Control L to display the page again" AIDE_CHOIX_ADR-8 "v or Esc to Validate the selection\n" AIDE_CHOIX_ADR-8b "v or Esc (twice) to Validate the selection\n" AIDE_CHOIX_ADR-9 "You can specify unknown recipients in the address book" AIDE_CHOIX_ADR-10 "Address book empty, you can choose other recipients" AIDE_CHOIX_ADR-11 "Just type on Return when there is no more" AIDE_VMAILDIR-1 "v, l or Return to read" AIDE_VMAILDIR-2 "mails of the directory" AIDE_VMAILDIR_SJ "n or Insert to create a New one" AIDE_VMAIL "q or Esc to Quit this program\n" AIDE_VMAIL2 "q or Esc (twice) to Quit this program\n" AIDE_VMAILFIC_SJ1 "i to Identify the mail file" AIDE_VMAILFIC-1 "r to answer the mail, t to Transfer it" AIDE_VMAILFIC-2 "s to remove (suppress) it, m to Modify before sending" AIDE_VMAILFIC-3 "u to restore a mail in the dustbin" AIDE_VMAILFIC_SJ2 "j to Join files to a mail to be sent" AIDE_VMAILFIC-4 "c to Copy the mail or the shipper address" AIDE_VMAILFIC-5 "/ or ? to seek a string in the mail" AIDE_VMAILFIC-6 "p to Print it" AIDE_VMAILFIC-7 "h to display the Html section without modification" AIDE_VMAILFIC-8 "H to display the Html section without the Html tags" AIDE_VMAILFIC-9 "b to display the Html section from the tag " AIDE_VMAILFIC-10 "B to display from the tag without the Html tags" AIDE_VMAILFIC-11 "l to specify a Language, T to Translate the mail" AIDE_VMAILFIC-12 "return to recover the attached files" AIDE_VMAILSJ-1 "v or l or return to read a mail" AIDE_VMAILSJ-2 "r to answer it, T to Transfer it" AIDE_VMAILSJ-3 "o to see the Original file (not converted)" AIDE_VMAILSJ-4 "p to Print a mail (or the complete list)" AIDE_VMAILSJ-5 "/ or ? to seek a string in the list" AJOUT_DEST "Other recipient: " AJOUT_DESTCOP-1 "\nRecipients in copy:" AJOUT_DESTCOP-2 "Do you want to add them to you? " ARRET_SAISIE "Stop of the seizure by the operator" A_TELECHARGER "%d mails on standby of downloading\n" ATTENTE_CLAVIER "Press on a key to continue" ATTENTE_ENTREE1 "Press on the Return key if error when launching the" ATTENTE_ENTREE2 "editor or after saving the email from a graphic editor" AUCUN_GROSMAIL "No mail exceeds the limit size" AUCUN_MAIL "No mail in %s\n" AUCUN_PETITMAIL "No mail is below the selected size" AUCUNE_BORDURE "System Error: call of surbordure() without memorized edge" AUCUNE_TRAD "No translation mode defined in trad-libremail" AUGM_MAXMEMO "Overflow: compile mailrep again with maxmemo value larger" BILAN_AVERTIS "%d informed shippers, %d not informed\n" BILAN_FILTRAGE "\n%d preserved messages, %d removed\n" BILAN_SUPGROSMAIL "\n%d large preserved messages, %d removed\n" CARSPE_INVALIDE "Special character not converted" CHAINE_ABSENTE " String not found" CHEM_FIC_COPIE "Access path to the file which will contain the copy? " CHOIX_IMPR-1 "1) print of the list of the mails" CHOIX_IMPR-2 "2) print of the mail of the current line" CHOIX_IMPR_ERR "Erroneous Choice" CHOIX_REP-0 "\nAnswer to:\n" CHOIX_REP-1 "1) The sender :%s\n\n" CHOIX_REP-2 "2) The sender + the one who answers in copy: %s\n\n" CHOIX_REP-3 "3) The sender + recipients in copy to choose\n" CHOIX_REP-1A "1) The true sender :%s\n\n" CHOIX_REP-2A "2) The true sender + the one who answers in copy : %s\n\n" CHOIX_REP-3A "3) The true sender + recipients in copy to choose\n" CHOIX_REP-4 "4) Principal(s) recipient(s)" CHOIX_REP-5 "5) The sender + principal(s) recipient(s)" CHOIX_REP-5A "5) The true sender + addresse(s) main/to" CHOIX_REP-6 "6) The answering address :%s\n" CHOIX_REP-7 "7) The answering address + the one who answers in copy\n" CHOIX_REP-8 "8) The falsified sender :%s\n\n" CHOIX_REP-9 "9) The falsified sender + recipients in copy to choose\n" CHOIXTRAD_UNIQUE "It is the selected translation type" COMPAT_OPT_DK "Options -d and -k not compatible" COMPAT_OPT_ES "Options -e and -s not compatible" COMPAT_OPT_MS "Options -m and -s not compatible" COMPAT_OPT_PS "Options -p and -s not compatible" COMPTE_MAILS "%d mails in %s\n" CREAT_REPERT "Directory non-existent, do you want to create it? " CREAT_SOCKET_POP "Problem to create a pop socket" CREAT_SOCKET_SMTP "Problem to create a smtp socket" DEBORDE_FICDIR "At the time of the call to ficdir (%s), the name obtained is too long" DEBORD_MEM_TRONCAT "Memory space missing, list of the mails truncated" DEBORD_NBMAXFIC "Memory space missing, order of the mail files not respected" DEBORD_SECTIONS-1 "Too many sections in the mail" DEBORD_SECTIONS-2 "Compile again with max_bordures larger in trtbordure.h" DEBORD_SOUS_REP "Too much subdirectories, truncated list" DESTRUCT_MAIL "Destruction of the mail number %d\n" ERR_ADR_DEST "Address %s erroneous" ERR_ADRGENE "Generic address invalid: " ERR_ADR_MAIL "Email addresse erroneous in the configuration file" ERREUR_FICHIER "Error in the file %s:" ERR_OPTION "Incorrect option %s" ERR_OUVERT_2 "Error 2nd opening mail file!!!" ERR_RECUP_PJ "The file %s could not be recovered" ERR_SEP "Separator %c unauthorized in the argument 1\n" ERR_TAILLE "Incorrect or badly placed parameter size" ERR_TAILLEMAX "Incorrect or badly placed parameter max_size" ETAPE_TELECH "Step %d, mails of %ld bytes maximum\n" EXPED_ABSENT "Shipper not found" FIC_FILTR_ABSENT "No file %s no possible filtering" FICH_ABSENT "File %s not found" FICH_EXISTANT "File %s already exists.\n" FICH_INEXISTANT "Non-existent file %s" FICH_MANQUANT "File %s missing or inaccessible" PAS_AVERTIS "The authors of destroyed mails will not be informed" FICH_SIGN_PROTLECT "Signature file %s is read protected" FILTR_PARTIEL "only the mails with a shipper address without @ will be removed" IMPOS_CRE_ENTETE "Impossible to create a heading file %s" IMPOS_CRE_FICH "Impossible to create the file %s\n" IMPOS_CRE_FICMAIL "Impossible to create the mail file %s" IMPOS_ECR_FICH "Impossible to write in the file %s" IMPOS_ECR_FICHRES "Impossible to write in a result file" IMPOS_LECT_FICH "\nImpossible to read the file %s" IMPOS_LIRE_MSG "Impossible to read again the body of the message %s" IMPOS_MAJ_ENTETE "Impossible to supplement the heading of the message %s" IMPOS_MAJ_FICH "Impossible to update the file %s" IMPOS_MAJ_FICMAIL "Impossible to supplement the mail file %s" IMPOS_OUVR_FICH "Impossible to open the file %s" IMPOS_RECUP-MAILJOINT "Impossible to recover a mail as an enclosure" MAIL_MONOSECTION "This mail contains only one section, command without effect" MAIL_NON_MODIF "Only the mails on standby of sending can be modified" MAIL_NON_RESTAUR "Only the mails in the dustbin can be restored" MAIL_SANS_PJ "This file does not contain enclosures" MAJ_FICJOINT "Do you want to replace it? " MAJ_MAIL_PRET "Do you want to change the mail file before sending? " MANQUE_DESCPROP "No description of the owner of the mailbox" MANQUE_DESCPROP2 "in the file of configuration." MANQUE_DESCPROP3 "The command %s can not be used" MANQUE_FICMAILREP "Email file for specific answer %s non-existent" MANQUE_MEMOIRE "Memory space missing, the software %s cannot work" MANQUE_ZONE_HTML "No text html zone in this mail!!!" MANQUE_ZONE_TEXTE "No text zone in this mail!!!" MENU_COPIE-1 "1) copy of the complete mail" MENU_COPIE-2 "2) copy of the message alone" MENU_COPIE-3 "3) copy of the address of the shipper" MENU_COPIE-4 "4) adding the shipper in the address book" MENU_COPIE-5 "5) adding the shipper in the refused addresses" MENU_COPIE-6 "6) adding the domain name of the shipper in the refused addresses" MOT_CLE_ABSENT "Key word %s missing" NON_FICMAIL "No recovered text: it is not a mail file" NON_POS_PJ "You are not positioned on an attachment" NOUV_ETAPE "New filtering step" NOUV_FICJOINT "Name of the file to be attached? (type return when there is no more)" NUMAIL_FAUX "Mail number incorrect %s" NUMAIL_NUL "A mail number cannot be equal to 0" NUMAIL_TROP_GRAND "Mail number too large" NUMTRAD_CHOISI "Selected translation number?" NUMTRAD_INCORRECT "Incorrect translation number" PB_ACCES_BAL "Misidentifying of the letter-box" PB_ACCES_SERV-1 "Connection request problem" PB_ACCES_SERV-2 "can be due to an Internet connection by a proxy" PB_ACCES_TMP "Insufficient access right to /tmp, operation can be degraded" PB_FIX_TIMEOUT "Problem to set a timeout for the connection: waiting blocking" PB_RECUP_MAILJOINT "Impossible to recover a mail as an enclosure" PB_STRUCT_MAIL "Structure problem in a multipart mail : end of mail reached" PB_TIMEOUT_SERVEUR "Connection request problem: time limit exceeded" PJ_PROBABLE "Probable enclosure(s)" PORT_POP_INVALIDE "Invalid pop port number" PORT_SMTP_INVALIDE "Invalid smtp port number" PRINCIP_DEST "Principal recipients" PRIO_OPT_O "The option -O has priority on the option -o" NOM_FICH "\nFile %s, " REFUS_DEST "Recipient %s refused\n" RACINE_MAILS "" REP_ENVOI_ABSENT "No sending directory of the mails" REPERT_COURANT "Current directory: %s\n" REPERT_INEXISTANT "Directory %s does not exist" REPERT_NON_CREE "The directory %s could not be created" REPERT_PJ "Name of the destination directory for attachments?" REPERT_RACINE "Name of the root directory for mails: " REPERT_SANS_MAIL "no mails in this directory" REP_RACINE_ABSENT "Non-existent mail directory %s" REP_RACINE_INCONNU "Unknown root of the mails, no suppression" SAIS_FICADR "First and last name and email address of the sender:" ADR_MANQUANTE "Missing Email address" SUJET_VIDE "Subject: Response to a message without a specified object" SERV_POP_ABSENT "Pop server not found" SERV_SMTP_ABSENT "Smtp server not found" SUJET_MAIL "Subject of the mail? " SUJET_NOUVMAIL "Subject of the mail: " TAILLEMAX_FAIBLE "A maximum size of %ld bytes is very weak for a mail\n" CONFIRM_TAILLE "please confirm it by making it follow of one !" TEXTE_TRONQUE "** MISSING OF MEMORY CAPACITY ==> TEXT TRUNCATED **" TOTAL_COPIES "\n%d emails copied out of %d\n" TOTAL_DEPLACES "\n%d emails moved out of %d\n" TOTAL_TELECH "\n%d emails downloaded out of %d\n" TRAD_DISPO "Translations available" UN_SEUL_MAIL "1 mail in %s\n" VIRUS_POSSIBLE " *** VIRUS ? ***\n" VOTRE_CHOIX "Your choice? " SYNT_GENE_FICONF "Syntax: %s configuration_file" SYNT_GENE_REPERT "Syntax: %s [directory]" SYNT_GENE_FICMAIL "Syntax: %s mail_file_name" SYNT_REP/TRSF-MAIL "Syntax: %s mail_file_name [emails_directory]" SYNT_FILT-DEST/SUJ "Syntax: %s [-(o|O)] [-t trace_file] configuration_file" SYNT_CHARGEXPEDOK "Syntax: %s [-(k|d)] configuration_file" SYNT_CHARGECHAMPOK "Syntax: %s field_name [-f list_file] [-(k|d)] configuration_file" SYNT_CHARGEMAIL "Syntax: %s [-(k|d)] [mail_number] configuration_file" SYNT_CHARGEPARTAIL "Syntax: %s configuration_file" SYNT_CHARGEPARTIEL "Syntax: %s [-(k|d)] [-n] field_name string configuration_file" SYNT_COMPTEMAIL "Syntax: %s [-n] configuration_file" SYNT_CREMAIL "Syntax: %s [emails_directory]" SYNT_DEPLACEMAIL "Syntax: %s [-c] [mail_number] configuration_file" SYNT_DEPLPARTAILLE "Syntax: %s [-c] size configuration_file" SYNT_DEPLPARTIEL "Syntax: %s [-c] [-n] field_name string configuration_file" SYNT_DETRUITMAIL "Syntax: %s (-a|mail_number_list) configuration_file" SYNT_ENTETEMAIL "Syntaxe : %s [-m] [directory]" SYNT_FILTRADR "Syntax: %s [-t trace_file] configuration_file" SYNT_FILTRECHAMP "Syntax: %s field_name [-f list_file] [-(o|O)] [-t trace_file] configuration_file" SYNT_JOINDRE "Syntax: %s mail_file_name [files_to_be_attached]" SYNT_LISTEMAIL "Syntax: %s configuration_file [output_file]" SYNT_LISTESIMEXP "Syntax : %s [max_differences_number] configuration_file" SYNT_SELHTM "Syntax: %s configuration_file liste1_file liste2_file" SYNT_SJFMAILS "Syntax: %s [-(s|d [nb_message_lines])] [-w width] [-i] [-(n|N)] [directory_of_files]" SYNT_SJMAILS "Syntax: %s [-(s|e|d [nb_message_lines])] [-w width] [-i] configuration_file" SYNT_SUPBCC1 "Syntax: %s [-pd|-p prefix|-s] [-m email_answer_file]" SYNT_SUPBCC2 " [-t trace_file] configuration_file" SYNT_SUPGROSMAIL "Syntax: %s [-m email_answer_file] max_size configuration_file" SYNT_SUPHTM1 "Syntax: %s [-pd|-p prefix] [-e|-s] [-m email_answer_file]" SYNT_SUPHTM2 " [-t address_file] configuration_file" SYNT_SUPSIMEXP "Syntax : %s [max_differences_number] [-t trace_file] configuration_file" SYNT_VMAILDIR "Syntax: %s [-(c|n)] [-i] [directory]" SYNT_VMAILSJ "Syntax: %s [-i] [directory]" SYNT_VOIRFMAIL "Syntax: %s [-(h|H|b|B)] [-T] mail_file_name" SYNT_VOIRMAIL "Syntax: %s [-(h|H|b|B)] mail_number configuration_file" SYNT_VSOURCEMAIL "Syntax: %s mail_number configuration_file"