Version 1.0 of 27 May 2003 spread on internet on 3 June 2003
Initial version.
Version 1.0.1 of 12 November 2003 spread on 13 November 2003
Correction of the marker of the subject of the avenues contains
of the tabs.
Addition of the option -e of sjmails (marker directs *remitente).
Possibility to take to the keyboard of the parameters of the connection pop.
Possibility to encrypt the password of the file of configuration.
Detection and suppression of the encoding UTF-8 eventual before
the sending of the avenues.
Version 1.0.2 of 30 November 2003 spread on 1st December 2003
Possibility to add the direction of a *remitente of avenue
in the list of the *remitentes refused (command vmailfic).
Addition of a signature in final of avenue (cremail and repmail)
when a file signs has been created.
Possibility to program the variable of environment $EDITOR
to use an editor of textes another that *saw .
Options of sjmails before the name of the file of configuration.
Version 1.0.3 of 12 January 2004 spread on 13 January 2004
Correction #Marry of blockade command voirmail with avenue
multipart/alternative without section text/plain.
Correction Defect of supgrosmail when any avenue on the server.
Correction Generation of the line From during the sending of the avenue
when the file avenue does not contain it .
Version 1.0.4 of 6 April 2004 spread on 6 April 2004
Addition Support **décodage *basic64 of the lines of #header.
Indication VIRUS ? Possible for files jointed with mere extension.
Correction Problem of detection of the directions *remitente that contains capital letters
in supgrosmails.
Correction Detection of error envmail when several addressees.
Addition command of impression in vmailsj and vmailfic.
Addition **préfixe in the direction of expedition of the avenues of suphtm.
Addition white Line before first piece jointed when necessary.
Addition investigates of strings of characters in vmailsj and vmailfic.
Version 1.0.5 of 30 July 2004 spread on 6 September 2004
Addition of the quotations of the possibilities of vmailsj and vmailfic.
From the version 1.0.4 in the on-line help of these commands.
Addition of the command filtresujet.
Set up of a structure **arborescente for the compilation.
Addition of the pages of man in French.
File of presentation in 8 tongues.
Version 1.0.6 of 21 November 2004 spread on 24 November 2004
Correction Error of marker in sjfmails when the subject of
the avenue is present, but empty.
Correction #Marry of blockade in the analysis of the #header of the avenues
by filtradr and filtresujet.
Correction Errors in the suppression of avenues by suphtm + sending
of the message of warning to the direction of the Return-Path if possible.
Conversion of the characters HTML (example ’ results a **apostrophe).
**Archivage Of the directions of *remitentes of avenues **détruits by suphtm.
Addition of the command comptemail.
Possibility to restore an avenue in the **poubelle (vmailsj and vmailfic).
Version 1.1 of 25 February 2005 spread on 7 March 2005
Addition Quotation mailer used when field Use-agent present.
Libremail And his tools declared like Using-Agent before that X-Mailer.
Support UTF-8 of some characters **encodés on 3 bytes.
Right file of utilisation in 8 tongues, these rights no longer are
remembered when finalising each file source.
Correction Block suphtm with option -s .
Correction of the loss of the first character of the direction of a direction
email no surrounded < > of and no preceded of a name of user.
I change Parameter of call of the function connect_smtp.
Addition Indication of the size of the avenues **détruits by supgrosmail.
Investigation of the Happy field/type carried to 5 lines after the #header
for selhtm and suphtm.
Option -h in voirmail voirfmail, command *h in vmailfic to
see the section texte html of the avenues multi sections.
Support encoding bases 64 for the texte of the avenues.
Addition of the fields Message-id, **In-Reply-To and Reference to the avenues
to send.
Version 1.2 of 18 January 2006 spread on 19 January 2006
Creation of common files for the function used by
several programs of **filtrage (library testchamp).
Addition Options -k and -d to the command chargemail.
Addition Option file traces for the commands of **filtrage.
Addition of the commands filtredest, filtrechamp, chargepartiel,
chargexpedok and chargechampok.
Addition **temporisation of security after the destruction of avenues
by a filter.
**Affinage Of the analysis of the Happy "field-Transfer-Encoding:" to
distinguish binary of *base64.
At all of up to date of the file numail if any avenue has not been
recovered by chargemail, or if the creation of a new avenue by
cremail repmail and trsfmail has been interrupted by the user.
Fusion of the 2 first lines of the subjects of avenue for the commands
sjmails, sjfmails and vmailsj.
Fusion of all the lines of the subjects of the initial avenue to generate
the subject of the avenue in reply (repmail) or transferred (trsfmail).
Taken in account of the second line of the field From: in repmail
and filtradr when the first line does not contain of ..
Complete examination of the names of files in vmaildir to determine
the repertoires that contain avenues.
**Décodage Of the sequence UTF-8 Å 93*h turned into ½
Better *apresamiento in account of the avenues without subject in repmail and trsfmail.
Correction of a defect of marker of pop.**c In fashion debug.
Suppression Causes of **plantage of the softwares in fashion page yes rights
of accesses to /tmp insufficient.
*Tentativa Of detection of the sections message/rfc822 in the avenues
Conversion of the names of files jointed **encodés as of the lines of #header.
Version 1.2.1 of 16 June 2006 spread on 20 June 2006
Correction Operation command of impression vmailfic if
the common repertoire is protected in writing.
Suppression of the **temporisation before the *re-affichage of the page
during the recovery of files jointed from vmailfic.
Taken in account of the sections multipart/related that appear after another
section multipart, to avoid an error of analysis of the others
Detection of the overflow of the number of kerbs of sections memorised.
Memorisation of the repertoire that contains the files of configuration
in a variable of environment.
Systematic treatment of the lines that contain names of files
jointed like lines of #header.
**Troncation Of the names of files jointed announced to avoid an
overflow of length.
The sections text/html with a name of file no longer are detected
like file jointed.
Recovery of the sections message/rfc822 in the avenues multipart/mixed.
Utilisation of the library testchamp in supgrosmail.
Addition of the command supbcc.
Addition of the options -o and -O to the commands filtresujet, filtredest
and filtrechamp.
Detection by commands it repmail of the indication **Re : (with
variants of break) in addition to Re: in the subject of the avenues.
Replacement of the variants by the channel Re:
Quotation of the option -s in the message that remembers the syntax of the
command suphtm.
Version 1.2.2 of 9 August 2006 spread on 1st September 2006
Correction Causes of **plantage of vmaildir when the repertoires
. And .. They are not in first and #2nd position (scarce risk).
Optimisation of the option clecrypt of the files makefile.
Version 1.9.1 of 24 October 2006
Internationalisation Phase 1 :
Utilisation of a file of data to memorise the messages sent
by the different applications to the users.
Utilisation of files of data to memorise the textes of the avenues
generated automatically by the commands of **filtrage suphtm and supgrosmail.
Utilisation *facultativa of a file of data that allow to redefine
the names of the repertoires and of the files of data user associated
to the **boites to the letters.
Correction Problem of passage to the line in cremail and trsfmail
during the embargo of the addressees if *carné of empty direction.
Correction Causes of **plantage of suphtm when Happy field-Type absent.
Correction Causes of blockade of voirmail for avenues multipart/related
without name of section required from the following line and **sécurisation of
the function surbordure() .
Version 1.9.2 of 30 November 2006
Internationalisation Phase 2 :
It analyses of the variable of environment $*LANG to detect the utilisation
of the game of characters UTF-8 .
Support of the stressed characters UTF-8 for the marker of the messages
to the users, as well as of the list and of the content of the avenues.
Up to date analysis of the avenues multipart/related to avoid detection
of error beyond of the end of the section of first level.
Detection of the overflow number of files avenues memorised by sjfmails
and **tri partial in this case.
Version 1.9.3 of 29 January 2007
Internationalisation Phase 3 :
Translation of the files of data created in the version 1.9.1 (and 1.2.1).
It analyses of the variable of environment $*LANG to choose the tongue of
the interface user.
**Paramétrage Possible of the analysis of the names of files gone out of Internet Avenue in vmaildir.
Analysis of the names of files gone out of Internet Avenue according to his
order of **numérotation in sjfmails.
**Dimensionnement Automatic of the destined pictures to memorise the content
of files of data in functions of the number of lines of these files.
Addition of the option -w for the commands sjmails and sjfmails.
Correction of the treatment when the number of avenues to suppress with
supgrosmail projects szmaxliste.
**Redimensionnement Dynamic of the pictures of sjfmails, vmaildir, vmailsj
and vmailfic when necessary.
Version 2.0 of 26 March 2007 spread on 27 March 2007
Recovery of the sources of the version 1.9.3 .
Addition of the election : it directs to answer + *remitente in copy in repmail.
Version 2.0.1 of 3 May 2007 spread on 3 May 2007
Detection of the game of characters in the avenues multipart/mixed without another
under section multipart.
Correction Operation additional election of repmail of the version 2.0
Adaptation Syntax makefile for compilation with gNewSence.
Addition of the command detruitmail.
Correction Block chargemail if it sues of a number of avenue too big.
Version 2.0.2 of 19 June 2007 spread on 19 June 2007
Addition of the option -i to sjmails, sjfmails, vmailsj and vmaildir and correction
detection of the options multiples in sjmails and sjfmails.
Taken in account in recuppj of the files no **encodés.
Addition Option -e to the command suphtm.
Version 2.0.3 of 3 December 2007 spread on 3 December 2007
Transformation of the character **B4 in ' in function conv_isomac.
Correction **comptage of the special characters when sjmails is used
with the option -s or -e and the game of characters UTF-8.
Up to date smart prototypes declared in trtligne.**c .
Correction taken in account of the kerbs when the = that follows the word key
boundary is followed of one or several spaces.
Correction Problems of **défilement in vmailfic when a line of the avenue
without space projects the length of the zone of marker or when that-ci
sees his width reduced by a **redimensionnement followed of a ^L .
Connection smtp only when it is necessary in suphtm and supbcc.
Version 2.1 of 24 March 2008 spread on 24 March 2008
*Comprobación Of the embargo of the direction *remitente for the first avenue
Support of the keys that allow the positioning at the beginning and in final of texte
from a terminal window chart.
Suppression Causes of error of detection of the files jointed when the section
precedent is **encodée quoted printable and the name of file
no surrounded of **guillemets.
Possibility to require the number of port smtp in the file of configuration..
Support of an authentication smtp mere.
Suppression of a risk of *aplastamiento of the data in envmail when
several addressees are on the same line of #header.
Adaptation of the sources to avoid warnings of compilation
with the *compiladors recent.
Correction Problem of accesses to the file of the messages when one commands
that it does a chdir has been launched requiring his repertoire of implantation
under the form of a way of relative access.
Increase of the speed of **défilement during the trips in addition to
a page.
Basic *conversions64 *reagrupadas in an alone file source.
Option -H for voirmail and voirfmail and command *H for vmailfic.
Version 2.1.1 of 3 April 2008 spread on 3 April 2008
I support other special characters with the option -H of voirmail and voirfmail
and commands it *H of vmailfic.
Up to date version for the files makefile and majmessages.
Version 2.1.2 of 24 June 2008 spread on 24 June 2008
Suppression Error of position of the first character to analyse in
filtredest and filtrechamp.
command envmail : maximum size of the messages that specify an addressee
reach to sz_buflect.
Version 2.1.3 of 11 December 2008 spread on 18 December 2008
Addition of the option -m in supgrosmail, supbcc and suphtm.
Version 2.1.4 of 17 June 2009 spread on 23 June 2009
Addition of the **fuseau time numerical in the field Dates of the avenues created.
Conversion of the characters of eventual control before marker of the avenues.
Correction of a problem of detection of the addressees when it keeps
on several lines in envmail.
Version 2.2 of 21 April 2010 spread on 17 May 2010
Correction Problem of analysis of the #header of avenues when a line of
the #header reached the length limit.
I support other special characters with the option -H of voirmail and voirfmail
and commands it *H of vmailfic.
Taken in account of the **fuseau time for a better chronological classification
of the avenues with vmailsj.
Addition of the possibility to install Libremail in /usr/bin (or of the
Version 2.2.1 of 19 June 2010 spread on 21 June 2010
Correction Detection of the charset when there is white after the =
Replacement of the character *To0 (hexa) by a white in the avenues read.
Support of the characters **â and **ô with the option -H of voirmail
and voirfmail and commands it *H of vmailfic.
Version 2.2.2 of 24 December 2010 spread on 25 December 2010
Addition of the command vsourcemail.
Correction #Marry of blockade during the analysis of avenues multipart/report .
Comporting a section multipart/alternative **imbriquée.
Improvement of provision of the function **encode64.
Version 2.2.3 of 20 March 2011 spread on 20 March 2011
Change of name of the files licence and presentation.
Updated of the files source that mention them.
Version 2.2.4 of 6 June 2011 spread on 24 June 2011
Correction #Access to the file of the messages when a no executable file
likewise appoint that one commands of Libremail is accessible
by the PATH before commands it in question.
New correction marry of blockade during the analysis of avenues
multipart/report that comport a section multipart/alternative
Taken in account of the message of errors of the server if problem
of access to an avenue.
Version 2.3 of 9 January 2012 spread on 9 January 2012
Correction of the problems of passage to the line for the avenues **encodés
bases 64.
Possibility to require another number of port pop in the file
of configuration (for the servers pop that uses *SSL).
Addition of the commands deplacemail, deplpartiel and deplpartaille.
New translation of the interface user in **espéranto.
Correction Detection of false words-clés in the #header of the avenues.
Version 2.3.1 of 13 May 2012 spread on 13 May 2012
Utilisation of commands it lp before that lpr for the direct
impressions from vmailsj and vmailfic.
Improvement of the detection of the game of characters UTF-8.
Version 2.3.2 of 8 July 2012 spread on 8 July 2012
Attentive of final of the embargo of an avenue when a graphic editor
is used.
Timeout Of connection to the servers pop and smtp.
Suppression Causes of overflow memory if characters of control
on line very long.
Version 2.3.3 of 7 January 2013 spread on 7 January 2013
Correction of some translations of messages of error if file
of the messages or **mnémonique absent.
Increase of the maximum length of the subjects of the new avenues
and protect against the overflow.
Correction #Marry of blockade during the analysis of avenues that contain a section
multipart/alternative without the section alternative investigated.
**Contournement Of an odd *bug of entrance/sortie during the marker
of the channel UTF-8 *C5 9**B with a game of characters ISO-8859.
Simplification of the **codage of the function majlignentete.
Version 2.3.4 of 21 January 2013 spread on 22 January 2013
Addition of the date and hour of sending in the avenues whose #header
does not comport it , as well as in the avenues of automatic answer
of supbcc, suphtm and supgrosmail.
Suppression *bug of the version 2.3.3 for the function majlignentete.
Version 2.3.5 of 28 May 2013 spread on 28 May 2013
Addition of a white line after the #header for the cute *avenues section
**encodés *base64.
Addition of the option -m to the command entetemail.
Version 2.3.6 of 31 October 2013 spread on 31 October 2013
Addition of variables of environment to change the colour of the texte
put of self-evident or on the contrary in feeble luminosity.
Version 2.4 of 12 May 2014 spread on 13 May 2014
Suppression Causes of **plantage if the variable of environment *LANG
is not declared.
Correction of the lines generated with the option -m of the command
Correction of the detection of final of the messages text/plain **encodés
*basic64 in the avenues multi-section.
Detection of the indicators of section followed of a space in final of line.
**Interfaçage Of Libremail with softwares of translation.
New translation of "jointed/joindre" in English.
Version 2.4.1 of 13 October 2014 spread on 13 October 2014
Suppression of the **effacement of the screen during the preparation of
a translation (command vmailfic).
It improves Interface user in **espéranto.
Suppression #Marry of blockade of sjfmails and vmailsj with files
that do not contain an avenue.
Suppression of empty lines during the marker of the part HTML
of an avenue with the option -H or commands it *H of vmailfic.
Addition of the options -n and -N to the command sjfmails.
Possibility of a character that indicates the no read avenues in vmailsj.
Character > added in addition to the **surbrillance to indicate address
them Emails selected in the *carné of direction.
Addition of the options -n and -c to the command vmaildir.
It indicates the probability of files jointed when finalising the #header of the avenues
Utilisation (*facultativa) of the field X-Original-From when it is present
for the marker of the true *remitente of an avenue.
Taken in account of the field X-Original-From when there is in
the possibilities of answer to an avenue.
Correction of the warnings Wformat-security.
Variable addition of environment for **paramétrer the length of marker
of the messages and warnings no permanent.
Version 2.5 of 26 June 2015 spread on 26 June 2015
**Décodage Sequence UTF-8 E28098*h
Correction makefile for make simul.
Correction of the *apresamiento in account of the option -m by suphtm.
Taken in account of the minutes in the **décalage of the **fuseau time
for the chronological classification of the avenues with vmailsj.
Possibility to add a name of property in the list of the *remitentes
refused (command vmailfic).
Correction of error that prevents the suppression of the empty lines during
the marker of the part HTML of an avenue with commands it *H of vmailfic.
New treatment of the avenues multipart that accept several sections
multipart **imbriquées.
Correction Causes of **plantage of voirmail and voirfmail version 2.4.1
During the announcement of likely jointed pieces.
Correction Alignment during a marker simplified by sjmails, sjfmails
and vmailsj **incluant of the characters UTF-8 no **transposables in ISO-8859-1.
Version 2.5.1 of 27 October 2016 spread on 31 October 2016
Complete support of the sequence UTF-8 E2809*xh in the texte of the avenues.
Characters hexa tiny accepted in the encoding quoted printable.
Correction Recovery of the kerbs when the line that contains the word
key boundary is followed other informations after the string
that represents the kerb and that this kerb is not go in " .
Correction twists indication of final of avenue found for voirmail.
Translations of the new messages added in the version 2.4.1 in
German, Dutch and Italian.
Adaptation of commands it recuppj to recover files jointed
in the avenues multipart/related.
Version 2.5.2 of 18 June 2018 spread on 18 June 2018
Correction #Marry of blockade during the analysis of avenues that contain a section
multipart/alternative without the section alternative investigated
(in general, the section text/plain).
Eventual conversion of the signature between the games of characters
UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1.
Eventual conversion in UTF-8 of the sequences &mnemonique; of the old HTML.
Correction of the investigation of section for the command voirmail.
Version 2.5.3 of 26 August 2018 spread on 26 August 2018
Addition of the commands listesimexped and supsimexped.
Correction of the lists of include files.
Suppression of a loop cause in recup_infos_section.
Version 2.5.4 of 1 March 2020 spread on 1 March 2020
Improvement of the suppression of the empty lines during the bookmark of
the part HTML of a mail with the option -H or commands it H of vmailfic.
Acceptance of the sequences UTF-8 on 3 and 4 characters by commands it
iso8859-utf8 that leaves them unchanged.
Correction to avert an overflow of bookmark of sjmails, sjfmails and
vmailsj in the case of characters UTF8 coded on 3 or 4 bytes and displayed
in double width.
Version 2.6 of 26 February 2021 spread on 28 February 2021
Increase of the 50 % of the size of the pictures of 80 characters (to
avert to truncate some fields of the #header).
Addition of the options -b and -B to the commands voirmail and voirfmail
and of the commands b and B in vmailfic.